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Human Biology Models
Deluxe Spine has a sacral opening and exposed brain stem for advanced studies of the anatomy of the human spine.
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Examine The Movements Of The TMJ
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This life-size, realistic model of the kidney includes adrenal glands.
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Diagramed and color-coded for complete study.
Multiple mass size inserts.
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Auscultation training with more options.
Upgrade Axel or Alex.
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Dissectible To Examine Layers
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This is a detailed and versatile model of the urinary system.
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This two-times life-size heart model makes it easy to identify structures in the human heart and is a perfect aid for lessons in big classrooms or lecture halls.
These models are natural casts of a male, boney pelvis. They both show all anatomical structures in detail: both hip bones, pubic symphysis, sacrum and coccyx as well as the fifth lumbar vertebra with intervertebral disc.
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This segmented lung model shows the lungs with representation of the bronchial tree close to the heart, trachea, esophagus, and aorta.
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This shoulder joint model consists of the upper half of the humerus, as well as the clavicle and scapula.
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This female pelvis skeleton model is especially suitable for studying female genital organs in the context of their anatomical position in the pelvis.
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Histologic view of four digestive regions.
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Great for field training.
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