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Remarkably Accurate and Detailed Half-Scale Resin Models
Ideally priced for cranial comparison.
Major Representatives of Human Ancestry
The most complete series of human ancestry.
Trace the Evolution of Humans with Accurate Reconstructions
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Bone Clones® 1:2 scale casts of 4 hominins provides an overview of some the most pivotal discoveries in hominin evolution.
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One of the finest specimens of a Smilodon fatalis (saber-toothed cat) from the world famous La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. The La Brea Tar Pits is home to the most extensive collection of Pleistocene fauna in the world, with over 3.5 million specimens curated. Approximately 90% of the fossils excavated from the Tar Pits are carnivores, with the saber-toothed cat being the second most common occurring carnivore and named the California State Fossil. With canines measuring up to 11 inches in length from root to crown, this ferocious animal fed on bison, horse, camel and small pronghorn. Studies suggest the saber-toothed cat probably lived in packs, evidenced by bones with extensive healing, indicating survival after a crippling injury. This indicates the individual was cared for or at least allowed to feed with the rest of the pack.
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Bony fish first evolved during the Paleozoic era, over 400 million years ago. This fossil replica represents a mold of a ray-finned fish that died and was buried in the ocean.
Designed based upon the Science magazine Inquiry Based Instruction (IBI) award winning lab, “How We Got Here: An Inquiry-Based Activity About Human Evolution” (Price, Science, Dec. 21st, 2012, Issue 338(6114):p1554-55), students collect and analyze data from the replica skulls to uncover and correct fundamental misconceptions about evolution.
These 1:2 scale casts of 6 human skulls allow for the study of characteristics suggestive of geographical ancestry (African, Asian, and European) and sex.
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This skull is a replica of Dawson's so-called "Dawn Man," which had been unearthed in a gravel pit at Piltdown near Sussex, England, by Charles Dawson in 1912.
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